
Dr Jayaprakash Narayan at celebrations in Ramakrishna Math Hyderabad on 10 Jan 2012.

This rough translation was done by Sri Nishanth Venkata Polapragada

 Dr Jayaprakash Narayan was the chief guest for the 1st session of the 1st day of the 3-day long National Youth Day, Swami Vivekananda's birthday, celebrations in Ramakrishna Math Hyderabad on 10 Jan 2012.

Dear all¸


I am very happy today that so many youth are here with discipline showing believing that they are not inferior to anybody in the world.My belief is that swamijis dream about modern india will come true in this generation.Why is swamiji so special?what makes people revere him ahead even of the man who inspired hmsri Ramakrishna.He was not the first spirtual leader but he was that first to bring a new meaning to the long existing spirituality. spirituality was not about god far off but the man next to us.He said that an ant would imagine god as a huge ant.simila rly man envisioned god as aman.Hungry man needs not speeches about god but he needs food was his warnng to us.He gave self respect back to a demoralised nation.He went to America alone without any references not knowng when the next meal would come from.he believed in himself and asked all of us to do the same.he said your past is great your future is bright .if problems are there in your present you can rectify them.lNdia and china are the oldest civilisations.but in china there is only one stream the han dynasty.but i n lndia there are many streams.lts been 2600 yrs since jews have come here.they have lived peacefully.christians have been here since long.they have lived peacefully.712 A.D was when slam arrved n nda and they have lved other race has absorbed so many races and retained i ts own identity.That was what swamiji said.As far as building a nation as concerned we have done extraordinary things.23 yrs of rigorous work in ltaly and 9yrs of blood shed ln germany was needed to bring about uni on.512 domnions were united in 15 days wiith almost no blood shed to unite lndia.unqiue in world history that nation was built with so li ttle bloodshed.we have a great nation . Yes We have problems. Dont shed tears about your problems but face them bravely .thi s was what swmaji said.22 dfferent languages are peacefully uni ted in india and are communicatng freely. (Cf sri lanka pakistan belgium Canada yugoslvia) that s the glory of our nation.l Asked a swamiji where are u from..He said that once we are in thi s ashram there no barriers of place and language.that is the greatness of our naton.


Country cannot be built by cowards.building a nation needs physic cal& mental requires clevern ess.Swamiji didnot talk much about god.He talked about man.he talked about strength of man.personally i do not know whether god exisists.but i know there is sin.there are two big is unfulfilled potential.Nature has endowed each and every man wth a lot of is a sin on the part of nation to not allow the potential to manifest.thousands of u are now sittng here.but there are lakhs of students wth potential who are denied the right for growth because of their birth¸ caste and economy.swamiji always said that hungry should be fed first.yo u have no right to preach about god if u ignore a poor mans suffering.He reiterated that service to man is service to god.


These lakhs of people desrve their chance to grow.they have the right to feel equal in all aspects with everybody else.if we fail to do that we are not true followers of swamiji.second one is avoidable suffering.everybody in this world from guru maharaj& swamiji to us will pass away.for the oldest tree also the life span is 4800 years.for everybody ageing is a must.there are some diseases whch have no cure .but barring these rest are preventable.till 10yrs ago everyday 1000 children were struck with polio.there is no point offering sympathy to a polio patent .it is preventable likewise many children suffer blind ness from preventable causes.every year in our state 20000 and 2 lakhs children in our country suffer from neonatal diseases whch are preventable.there is no greater sin than this .that is why swamiji did unique experiment of establishng this mission.he jelled spirtuality wth service.ln ths context if we have to assimilate swamijis message we have to put aside all the differences of caste creed and even country.pakistani¸ Nigerian or other country men is not our enemy.out of many milky ways our s is one.of many planets earth is one.of that india is one small country.than why this arrogance about caste creed and religion.


70000 years ago after volcano tobo erupted only 3000 people survived.we are all descendants of these 3000.we are creating unnecessary differnces in the name of caste¸ creed ¸ colleges i find students divided unnecessarly on these grounds.without overcoming this we wll not be able to build our nation and we will not pay true homage to swamiji.


Self confidence is necessary.we have technology & resources which was not imaginable in swamijis time.we have problems to be faced wth self confidence and not with tears shed out of pity.for this bookish knowledge is not enough.einstein was never asked about his rank.swamijis sittng here or myself don't have our degrees.what is n.eeded is whether we can fnd solution usng the knowledge we have to solving dffcult problems.2000 yrs ago archimedes said that give me a place to stand and a long enough lever and wll lift the earth. A man wth emotion and no ntellgence will bang himself aganst a rock and not move it.A small girl wth intellgence will just put pebbles and a small lever and move the rock.


lN the long history of our country there may have been philosophers who may have had more knowledge than swamij.but what makes swamj unique and what makes his message so important and what makes him so remembered is he used his knowledge to building the nation and using it to solve countrys problems.he used it as a lever to solve the problems.he put these thoughts in our mnds.his deas still stay with us even 110 years after his death.lf we cannot mould knowledge to buld a nation it is useless knowledge and will not be useful for the nation

Today we are afraid of corruption .not to worry we can overcomei t.many years bribeswere needed to get or shift a phone line.but today most of you have cell phones without bribes.why is everbody a exsists not because lndians are bad people they are neither cowards nor thieves.. but because we have failed to do certain basic things and stop a small set of corrupt people.when tests were done placing money bags wth addresses in all countries of the world 85% of lndans mostly labourers ¸ students and lower mddle class people honestly returned these bags showing that lndans are not bad with confidence and right attitude corrupton can be overconme. ln name of fightng corruption do not become weak

Lastly integrating indivdual wth community is important.einstien said 20th century is characterised by perfection of means and confusion of ends.we have attained perfection in sadhana.but we forgot the goal.we do not know what to do with our education¸ promotions in jobs or as elected representatives of people.A herbew saint said if i am not for myself than who is.who will fight for you other than fight and fight bravely.but if am only for myself than what am l .lndividual and society cannot be seen independently.lf not know when. That s what swamiji repeatedly questioned.this does not need great sacrifices.l n fact we do not need to go upto swamiji.we are in domalguda (doma means mosquito in telugu.not in speech.just added it so that people we will understand.Rk math hyderabad is in an area called domal guda).mosquitoes are socialists. they will not differentiate between swamijis here or DGP or some body else.they bite and transmit disease.lf we do not control mosquitoes than everybody irrespective of status will we have to integrate individual and society

l Believe tha t our race wll be glorious. A race wth hstory of 5000 years will not become extinct easily.what will happen by our inaction is one or two generations may suffer.same thing happened in Moscow 20 years ago.people were standing in freezng cold in a line for young man got angry and stated that he will go to kremlin and kill general seceratary.He left and came back.when others asked if he had killed him he said there was a bigger line of people there watng to kill him.yes change happened i n soviet union but with result it was split into may culture was lost.ths country will not go anywhere.we can avoid unnecessary suffering.we can bri ng great change by working with dedication¸ common sense and using the knowledge we have.if you do that changes will come in the next ten years and your generation will be famous.hoping for that change and paying homage to swamiji l conclude my speech.




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